Tennessee Power of Attorney Forms

The Tennessee power of attorney forms allow for representation, as written in the State Code Title 34 > Chapter 6 – Power of Attorney, which permit a resident to choose someone else to act on their behalf for any financial (Durable), medical (Durable), or for the care of a minor child. All decisions and actions taken by the selected agent must be to the benefit of the person being represented, the ‘Principal’. The document(s) selected, at the sole discretion go the Principal, may be deemed durable which means the form would remain in place if incapacitation or lack of mental thinking were to occur.
According to State law, all power of attorney documents must be signed either in the presence of a notary public or at least two adult witnesses.

To prepare a Tennessee Financial Power of Attorney, you will first need to name a representative you can trust to manage all your financial needs (See all acts authorized by viewing State Statute 34-6-109), otherwise known as an Attorney-In-Fact. This individual does not to be an actual attorney, but the individual selected should be someone you trust and have known for a long time. It is…

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Use this document to select a person to be able to handle financial acts on another’s behalf in the State of Tennessee. The form does not remain in effect upon incapacity of the principal but he or she may elect the agent to do any of the following; Real Property and Lease Transactions Personal Property Transactions Banking and Financial Transactions Estate Transactions Contractual Agreements Insurance…

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A limited power of attorney document lets a resident choose someone else to handle a specific monetary related action(s) or decision(s) on their behalf. The person doing the representation, the ‘Agent’, must always perform all acts in the best interests and to the favor of the person being represented, the ‘Principal’. The principal may choose the exact actions by selecting from the list of options…

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The medical power of attorney document allows a resident to designate a health care representative the power to make medical treatment or facility decision on your behalf. Your agent must act consistently with your desires as stated in the document and after completing, it must be signed with a notary public with the principal present. See all Tennessee Health Care Laws – Title 34 >…

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Select another person to handle decisions in relation to a motor vehicle you own that is located in Tennessee. The agent you select will be able to do the following if decided; Duplicate Title Transfer of Title Noting of Lien Application for Title and Registration Request for Verification of Ownership on Vehicles Found Abandoned, Immobile or Unattended Vehicle Information Request Form must be signed with a…

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As stated in Tennessee Law (34-6-3) a parent may grant someone else the power to take educational and medical control of their child by granting them rights through the power of attorney document. In Tennessee, there is no time restriction and the form becomes available for use after it has been completely filled in and authorized in the presence of a notary public.

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Use this form provided by the Tennessee Department of Revenue for all related issues where you need another person to take control of your tax dealings and file them for you. This form is only applicable to the State of Tennessee and may not be used for any Internal Revenue Service filings.

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