Durable Power of Attorney Nevada Form – Adobe PDF

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Under Nevada durable power of attorney laws, you can choose an agent who will not only see to such minutia as day-to-day bill paying, but one who can also manage your business if you own one. It would be an advantage to you to choose an agent who could be available locally, in case he or she needs to deal face to face with the individual(s) or institution(s) who requests their physical presence. It is also a sound policy to nominate an alternative agent in case your first choice is not available.

In Nevada, if you opt for your spouse as your Agent, note that the agreement doesn’t necessarily terminate upon divorce. You can end this agreement at any time that you are mentally competent to do so, and the courts can revoke it if they determine that you were mentally incompetent or a victim of fraud when you agreed to it.

  • All durable power of attorney documents in Nevada must be signed with at least two witnesses who know the Principal personally or a notary public acknowledgement.