Nevada Power of Attorney Forms

Nevada power of attorney documents are designed to legally permit another to have access to making any and all financial and medical decisions on your behalf. This is especially the case if you become incapacitated and unable to run your financial affairs or to make the necessary choices about your health care, those decisions will still have to be made anyway. In Nevada, there are some very easy steps to be taken that will make sure that those decisions aren’t made by inappropriate family members, or by others who know nothing of you and your values, or by the courts. Through a Nevada Financial Power of Attorney, you name an Agent of your choice to steward your finances for the length of your incapacity.
Through a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and a Declaration, you can insure that your wishes for the conduct of your health care will be paramount, even if, whether an accident, advanced age or illness, and your voice cannot be heard. All three forms are easy to fill out and mostly involve filling in the blanks, and no attorney is necessary.
Under Nevada law, Chapter 162A from the State Statutes, the form must be signed with at least two (2) witnesses that know the principal personally. A notary public may also be suffice.

Under Nevada durable power of attorney laws, you can choose an agent who will not only see to such minutia as day-to-day bill paying, but one who can also manage your business if you own one. It would be an advantage to you to choose an agent who could be available locally, in case he or she needs to deal face to face with the…

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The Nevada general power of attorney document allows for a resident to identify another person (Just like the Durable Form) to handle any and all financial related transactions and determinations on the other person’s account. All decisions made must be to the best interests and benefit of the person being represented. The key difference between this form and the durable is that the general does…

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Designed for the principal to make special or “limited” powers so the agent can act on your behalf when you can not do so for yourself. Powers given to the agent can range from business decisions to handling mail on your account. The form, like all power of attorney documents in Nevada, must be signed with at least two witnesses that know your personally or…

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The form allows you to give your attorney in fact broad authority to make health care decisions for you, including consent or refusal or withdrawal of consent for any care related to your physical or mental condition. The form also allows you to choose if you want life-prolonging treatments to be used if you are in a coma or have a terminal condition, or if…

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Otherwise known as Form VP136, Use to select an agent to handle an ownership transfer/title to someone else as well as be able to register or apply for a certificate of title from a Nevada DMV Office. The document must be witnessed by a DMV representative or a notary public in order to be accepted.  

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