Nebraska Power of Attorney Forms

Nebraska power of attorney forms are used for having someone else step into your place to make either health care or monetary related decisions and actions on your behalf. The most common reason for this is due to being incapacitated, whether because of an accident, an illness, or even from advanced age, but this unpleasant possibility is a risk everyone shares. In Nebraska, there are three simple and easy documents that you can prepare by yourself without the aid of an attorney. Their completion will ensure that your wishes will be followed regarding your finances and your health care, even when your voice, either temporarily or permanently, cannot be heard. In their absence, your family will very likely be compelled to appeal to the courts in the midst of your health care crisis to make order out of the ensuing chaos. The results of this highly impersonal process may well be far from what you would have chosen for yourself if you had taken the time to make these choices while you were still able to do so.
Under the Nebraska Uniform Power of Attorney Act (Statute 30-3408), there must be at least two (2) witnesses or a notary public present when authorizing the completed document.

With a Nebraska Financial Power of Attorney (See § 30-4041), you name an Attorney-In-Fact to control your finances for however long that you can’t. If for whatever reason you choose to turn over the reins immediately, you must opt for a “Durable” Financial Power of Attorney, or the agreement becomes void in event that your physician does certify that you have actually become incapacitated, just…

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A resident of Nebraska may choose to use the general form in order to give someone full access to their financial affairs without the condition of durability, meaning if they should become incapacitated the form becomes void. The document allows a principal to grant the same unlimited monetary related powers to another person and under Nebraska law the form must be signed in front of…

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The limited power of attorney document in Nebraska allows a person to select someone else to handle monetary related actions with restrictions. The form is most commonly created for residents to select someone else to handle a specific action or event. Once the written action is complete, usually the form will terminate or the document can be structured to end at a certain time. Like…

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You can set the course of your future health care with a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and a Living Will Declaration. The latter is more commonly known as a Living Will; in it you specify the conditions under which you approve or disapprove a range of medical procedures for yourself. Through the former, you appoint an individual, again known as an Attorney-In-Fact,…

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Known as the ‘Temporary Delegation of Parental Powers’ form allows for the arrangement of a child to be taken care of another person (usually a relative) for a period of up to six (6) months. If the arrangement is to continue a new power of attorney document must be made and signed. Document must be signed with a notary public present

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The tax power of attorney document in Nebraska, known also as ‘Form 33’, allows a resident to choose anyone they would like to handle their tax filing in reference to; Fully represent the taxpayer in any hearing, determination, or appeal. Enter into any compromise with the Department. Execute waivers, including offers of waivers, of restrictions on assessment or collection of tax deficiencies. Execute waivers of…

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Use the following document to allow someone else to be able to transfer the ownership of a motor vehicle or boat as well as apply for title or registration at the Department of Motor Vehicles office (Find Nearest). The principal will need to fill in the form with the VIN Number, Make, and Model of the vessel or vehicle and authorize in front of a…

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