Medical Power of Attorney Mississippi Form – Adobe PDF

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The Mississippi Advance Health Care Directive has two parts;

  • Living Will – Allows you to state what medical procedure(s) you would like at the end of your life if you are in an incurable vegetative state. You must also enumerate any conditions that alter or modify those choices.
  • Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care – Name your Agent, who will make medical decisions for you during the term of your incapacitation, be it temporary or permanent. It is vitally important that you and your Agent hold similar views and philosophies on health care, and that the Agent is a mature, steady individual willing and able to calmly and forcefully advocate for what he or she knows to be your wishes in the face of others who may oppose those views. Most typically, individuals chose their spouse, a close friend, or a relative as their Agent.

As with the other power of attorney documents, the advance directive must be signed in the presence of a notary or with two (2) non-blood related persons in order to be considered valid.