Mississippi Power of Attorney Forms

Power of attorney forms are used prominently for two reasons; to make everyday representations on behalf of another person, and for incapacitation due to age, injury or mental illness. In Mississippi, there are two popular forms to fill out that insure your wishes for finances and health care decisions are carried out if you cannot do so. These are the Financial (Durable) Power of Attorney and the Advance Healthcare Directive.
It is recommended that the person(s) you select to handle the decisions made on your behalf are competent and trustworthy individuals as they will have access to any and all assets as well as to make any treatment decision in regards to your well being. All forms created in the State must be signed with two (2) witnesses or a notary public to be valid under the Mississippi Uniform Power of Attorney Act.

Under the Uniform Power of Attorney Act, an individual in Mississippi may create a durable financial power of attorney to run your monetary related affairs. An alternative or secondary agent should also be selected if the first choice turns out to be unavailable when needed. When selecting the representative, he or she should be a mature steady individual, loyal to you and able to understand…

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Choose a person (“Agent”) to handle any type of financial decision on your behalf. This form stays active and is only voidable upon; Death or incapacitation of Principal, a new power of attorney is signed, or if a revocation form is authorized. If you are seeking a version that will remain in effect upon the principal’s mental incapacity you want to download and complete the…

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This legal document allows a person to choose someone else to handle a restricted or specific financial action on his or her behalf. Once the specified activity has been completed or at the time written the form becomes void. Like all financial power of attorney documents in Mississippi, the form must be notarized or signed with two (2) witnesses in order for it to be…

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The Mississippi Advance Health Care Directive has two parts; Living Will – Allows you to state what medical procedure(s) you would like at the end of your life if you are in an incurable vegetative state. You must also enumerate any conditions that alter or modify those choices. Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care – Name your Agent, who will make medical decisions for…

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Also known as ‘Form 78-003-10-1-1’ by the Department of State, is used to select another person to transfer the ownership of your vehicle to another party. The person you select will be in charge of all negotiations and perform in your best interests. All proceeds from the sale are required to be returned to your favor. Document must be acknowledged by a notary public to…

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The tax power of attorney form, also named the ‘Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representation’ or ‘Form 21-002-13’, is a document provided by the Mississippi Department of Revenue to allow a resident to elect a professional to handle their State tax filing. You may fill in other options to have your Agent handle other tax related matters as well with the office of Revenue….

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