Maryland Power of Attorney Forms

Maryland power of attorney forms help plan and deal with the fact that anyone of us at any time can become incapacitated mainly due to dementia (Alzheimer’s Disease), risky surgery, or a stroke. Through a Maryland Financial Power of Attorney, you can proactively name an Agent, also known as our Attorney-In-Fact, to be in charge of all your monetary related affairs. You can also indirectly control your healthcare destiny through two documents collectively know in this state as the Advance Directive (included are the medical power of attorney and a living will).
All the power of attorney documents are in conformity with the 2010 General and Limited Power of Attorney Act and must be signed, after filling in, in the presence of two (2) witnesses or a notary public.

Allows a person to have unrestricted power to handle your finances as long as every decision made is in your best interests. The form remains valid (in accordance with § 17–105) if the person being represented becomes sick and too ill to think for themselves. The agent has the power to represent the principal for all of the following; Real Property – Including Residential and Commercial…

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The general power of attorney form for Maryland allows a person to designate someone else, known as the ‘Agent’ or ‘Attorney in Fact’, to handle any type of monetary related matter on their behalf. The person may be anyone that you can trust with all your assets and once the document is signed he or she is able to start conducting matters on your behalf….

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Select a representative to handle a sole financial; decision, action, or favor on your behalf. The activity can be anything monetary related and the person you select must act in your best interests. Once the objective has been completed or at a specific time the form becomes null and void. The document does not have durability, meaning it does not remain valid if the principal…

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The Maryland health care power of attorney form and living will is the part of the Advance Directive where you make your statement of the circumstances under which you would or would not allow various types of medical procedures to be used for your benefit. You may also name an agent to direct all other aspects of your health care. Most individuals choose their spouse,…

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Let another person handle your tax filing in Maryland by filling in and completing this form. Typically an accountant (CPA) will be the one designated but it can be anyone you may decide. The State does not have their own tax power of attorney form and recommend residents to fill out either form 2848 or form 8821 depending on their tax status.

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