Indiana Power of Attorney Forms

During the course of your life, it is possible that you may become incapacitated or mentally not able to think for yourself due to an accident, advanced age, or illness. With the Indiana power of attorney form, you can choose a person to take care of your finances, and health care.
You can avail yourself of the Indiana Financial Power of Attorney document to appoint an Attorney-In-Fact to make financial decisions for you when you can’t for yourself. For health care, you first need a Living Will, or as it’s called in Indiana, a Living Will Declaration. It is through this document that you make your directions as to under what circumstances you do or do not want to undergo any number of specific medical procedures. You also need to name an Attorney-In-Fact and Health Care Representative through a document called a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and Appointment of Health Care Representative. This individual will make all your health care decisions for you during the period of your incapacitation. Taking these simple steps ahead of time will ensure that your friends and family won’t have to during a time of stress and hardship.
All forms must be made in accordance with Indiana Laws – Statute Title 30 – Article 5 – Powers of Attorney

The Indiana Financial Power of Attorney has two options, you can choose to have it go into effect immediately, known as “durable”, or have it start when your physician declares you to be incapacitated known as ‘springing’. In Illinois, there is no restriction as to whom you can appoint as your Attorney-In-Fact, but it is important to choose a solid, trustworthy individual who can grasp…

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Indiana general power of attorney grants the unlimited rights to act in another person’s place for any type of financial decision within the State. The difference between this designation and the Durable is that this document becomes VOID if the Principal should become incapacitated. Under Indiana law the form does not need to be signed in front of any witnesses to be legal, but it…

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Indiana limited power of attorney allows for the designation of an Agent to be able to act for specific decision(s) within the State. The decision made may be for anything from paying simple bills to purchasing or selling a home to the benefit of the Principal. All proceeds (if any) must go to the Principal and when signing this form it is recommended to do…

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Your Health Care Representative will start his or her job of making medical decisions for you on the event of your incapacitation. It is important to choose someone who can be available locally to meet with your health providers in person to represent your wishes. Therefor for this position, many individuals choose their spouse. Whomever you chose, it is important that that individual share your…

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Indiana tax power of attorney permits a person to hire someone else to file taxes to the Department of Revenue on their behalf. Otherwise known as the form ‘POA – 1, the document is recommended to be forwarded to a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) or tax attorney because this will ensure that he or she has some knowledge of the tax system in Indiana. Laws…

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The Indiana motor vehicle/vessel power of attorney form, also known as the ‘Form 1940‘, allows for the designation of another person to handle a sale on their behalf. All proceeds and negotiations must be to the benefit of the seller (“Principal”) and must be signed in front of a notary public to be usable. The document remains valid for 90 days from the date of…

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