Delaware Power of Attorney Forms

Your Agent does not need to be an attorney, but he or she should be reliable and dependable, and because of the need to steward your investments, the chosen person must share your financial and health care philosophies. He or she should live close by, because of the need to deal with banks, government agencies and to collect and disburse funds. The absence of an Agent when one is needed might well mean that your family will be forced to turn to the courts to make order out of your financial life.
You can revoke any type of Power of Attorney at any time that you are mentally competent. If you choose your spouse as your Agent, the agreement terminates upon divorce. It is important to designate an alternative Agent in case your first choice is for whatever reason unavailable. When authorizing, the document must be completed with at least two (2) witnesses present that have no stake in the form.

Select a person to handle any type of tax filing in relation to a motor vehicle with the Department of Motor Vehicles (Find a Location). The person selected is allowed to do the following if desired by the principal; Establish new accounts and update information accordingly. Sign and file tax returns for all programs indicated above. Register and renew vehicles. To provide information as requested…

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A Delaware Financial Power of Attorney serves to protect your financial interests when and if you become incapacitated. Through this document you name an Agent, also known as the Attorney-In-Fact, to watch over your financial affairs. Execution – This form is required to be signed in the presence of a notary public with the principal and a witness that is not related by blood, marriage,…

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The Delaware general power of attorney form has the same powers at the statutory durable document except for the fact that when the principal becomes mentally incompetent the form becomes void. The agent must abide by the same laws as other financial power of attorney documents such as being signed in front of at least two (2) witnesses over the age of eighteen (18).

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Allows a person to select anyone to make a specific financial act to their benefit. The principal may choose to elect to have the form become void after the representation is complete, at a specific date, or at any condition they choose. The document must be in pursuant to the Delaware General Provisions which most importantly require at least two witnesses (non-minors) with no affiliation with…

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There may come a time in your life when, due to advanced age, illness or an accident, you become temporarily or even permanently unable to make health care decisions for yourself. Fortunately, in Delaware, it is possible to make your wishes in regard to your health care known in advance. Through a Living Will, you can state, in writing, what health care procedures you consent…

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The motor vehicle ownership transfer power of attorney form allows you to choose someone else to sell an automobile on your behalf. The document must be signed with a notary public present. The document is most common if the owner is out of town or if the principal would like to let a used car dealer have the right to sell the vehicle to a…

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