Wisconsin Power of Attorney Forms

Wisconsin power of attorney allows for the representation of another’s financial, medical, tax filing, parental/guardianship, or vehicle affairs. By filling out one of the documents below, a resident may grant these powers to their selected “Agent”, even if they should become incapacitated. This type of designation is otherwise known as “Durable”.
In pursuant with all State laws, Statute 244.05, the documents must be filled out and signed in front of a notary public in order to be valid.

Under the Wisconsin Statutory Durable Power of Attorney Form, provided by Statute 244.61, allows for the unlimited financial representation of another person whom the principal deems as fit. The ‘Durable’ aspect of this form permits it to remain in effect under the unfortunate circumstances that the principal may no longer be able to think for themselves. The powers granted are as follows and may be modified to…

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The general power of attorney form for Wisconsin allows for the non-durable access to handle financial affairs on behalf of another person. A resident, known as the ‘Principal’, makes chooses someone else, known as the ‘Agent’, to handle any type of monetary related transaction on their behalf and to their benefit. Unlike the durable version, the general document voids upon the principal’s incapacitation or being…

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The limited power of attorney permits a person, known as the principal, to grant restricted access to their financial activity and decision making abilities. The principal must first select who they would like to act in their presence, then write in the document specifically what type(s) of powers the agent will hold. The powers may be anything from picking up mail to closing on a…

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Pursuant to Wisconsin medical power of attorney laws, Chapter 155, it allows for the designation of a health care surrogate in the chance that you should become incapacitated in the future. The person you choose, or “agent”, shall be responsible for any and all health care related decisions or facility options in the event you can not make them for yourself. Per State law, the…

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The revocation form either cancels a financial or medical power of attorney document that is valid in the State. The process begins with filling out the desired revocation and signing in the presence of a notary public. After the document has been authorized the agent should be notified of the cancellation and all institutions that may have been accepting the power of attorney document should…

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Otherwise known as form A-222, the tax power of attorney document allows a resident to choose anyone whom they deem fit to handle their tax filing with the Department of Revenue. Typically a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Tax Attorney is recommended. The document needs to be completed and signed by the principal with no witnesses or notary public acknowledgment needed.

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