Medical Power of Attorney West Virginia Form – Adobe PDF

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The West Virginia Advance Directive contains two forms, a Living Will and a Medical Power of Attorney. The Living Will, allows you to set down your requests for various life extending or terminating treatments. Also, you may choose what will happen to your organs if they may be saved to that others may be able to benefit.

The Medical Power of Attorney, under which you appoint a representative will decide all health care decisions when you may be incapacitated and cannot do so for yourself. For the agent, most people choose a close friend, relative or their spouse. The main restrictions as to who your Representative can be revolve around those individuals involved in providing your health care. These restrictions may be overlooked for those related to you.

The document must be signed in the presence of a notary public, and all portions of the form must meet the standards of the laws located in Chapter 16 of the State Statutes.