Durable Power of Attorney North Dakota Form – Adobe PDF

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The North Dakota Financial Power of Attorney, allows you to appoint an Attorney-In-Fact to manage all your monetary related affairs. Anything from paying the electric bill to managing your stock portfolio. If you want the arrangement to begin immediately, it must be set up as a ‘Durable”. The other choice is for a “Springing”, which only takes effect upon your incapacitation. A recommended option is to appoint an alternate Attorney-In-Fact in case the first choice is a no-show. Individuals who are available locally are the best candidates, because they can more easily affect direct control. You can end the document at any time by authorizing a revocation. If you choose your spouse as your Attorney-In-Fact, be aware that the agreement doesn’t terminate automatically upon divorce.

  • Under the State law, the form must be signed in the witness of at least two (2) persons or a notary public