Durable Power of Attorney New York Form – Adobe PDF

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The New York statutory durable power of attorney form is for residents that desire to have someone else “step in” if they should be incapacitated or not able to conduct financial activities on their own. This form is ONLY for related to monetary actions and if you would like the Agent to have medical powers the Health Care Proxy will need to be completed as well.

Durable – The powers will continue to exist even if you become disabled or incompetent.

Laws – § 5-1513

The agent selected may handle any of the following on your behalf as  defined in § 5-1502A through § 5-1502N of the New York General Obligations Law:

  • Real estate transactions;
  • Chattel and goods transactions;
  • Bond, share, and commodity transactions;
  • Banking transactions;
  • Business operating transactions;
  • Insurance transactions;
  • Estate transactions;
  • Claims and litigation;
  • Personal and family maintenance;
  • Benefits from governmental programs or civil or military service;
  • Healthcare billing and payment matters; records, reports, and statements;
  • retirement benefit transactions;
  • Tax matters;

As per New York law, the form must be authorized by a notary public.

If the optional “Gift Rider” is attached the form must also be signed in the presence of two (2) witnesses. Although, at one (1) of the witnesses may be the notary public.