Medical Power of Attorney New Mexico Form – Adobe PDF

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Under the New Mexico State Law, the Uniform Health Care Decisions Act, a person my authorize an Advance Healthcare Directive, which includes two main documents. The first part is the Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, in which you name an individual, to be known as your Agent, to make all you other medical decisions on your behalf if you should be incapacitated or now able to think for yourself. The second part, the Living Will allows you to state the condition under which you would consent to receiving certain types of medical care, typically at the end of your life.

The most usual choices for this task of surrogate or agent include close friends, relatives or your spouse. The only people excluded from consideration are those affiliated professionally with any health care facility through which you are receiving care. Whomever you do choose, it is a good idea for that person to be available locally to better control events. It is of vital importance that he or she share your philosophies as to health care, and be willing and able to advocate those values in the face of other strong-minded people who not concur with them.