Durable Power of Attorney New Jersey Form – Adobe PDF

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The New Jersey Financial Power of Attorney allows you to choose an Attorney-In-Fact to manage your financial affairs. Because this individual will be doing everything from paying simple bills to managing your investments, he or she must not only be someone who has your complete trust, but also someone whose business skills you respect enough to handle all your assets. It would be very helpful for your Agent to be able to live in the surrounding area, because it will make it possible for he or she to do business on a face-to-face basis when necessary. It’s important to name an alternate or secondary Agent in case your first choice is unavailable when needed.

Note that in New Jersey, if you choose your spouse as your agent, the agreement isn’t automatically voided upon divorce. You yourself can void the agreement any time that you are mentally competent to do so. You can specify that your Financial Power of Attorney go into effect immediately, and if you do, it must be specified as “Durable”, or it ends upon your incapacitation. More commonly, a “Springing Durable Power of Attorney only takes effect if your physician certifies that you are, in fact, incapacitated.

  • Like all power of attorney documents in New Hampshire, this form must be notarized or signed with at least two (2) persons present.