Durable Power of Attorney Michigan Form – Adobe PDF

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The Michigan financial durable power of attorney form allows a person, known as the ‘Principal’, to choose anyone they deem appropriate, referred to as the ‘Agent’, to make any type of monetary related decision or action on behalf of the person being represented. In Michigan, if you want your Attorney-In-Fact to take over immediately, you must opt for a “Durable” Financial Power of Attorney by initialing on the first option on the checkbox on the second (2nd) page of the form. On the other-hand, a “springing” Durable Financial Power of Attorney only goes into effect upon your physician declaring that you are, in-fact, incapacitated which you may choose as the second option on the second (2nd) page.

You can choose any adult to be your Attorney-In-Fact, and it’s a good idea to also name a secondary in case the first choice turns out to be unavailable when needed. You can terminate the agreement at any time you are mentally competent, and on occasion, the courts will do so if it is determined that you weren’t of sound mind or that you were under excessive pressure when you signed it. Ultimately the Financial Power of Attorney ends on your death.

  • If the the parties are to sign a durable form to be valid immediately, the Agent Affidavit must be authorized and attached to the form