Medical Power of Attorney Louisiana Form – Adobe PDF

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The Medical Power of Attorney Form, also known as an Advance Directive consists of two parts: the Living Will, which is also known as a Declaration, and the Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. The Living Will goes into effect when your physician and a colleague physician determine that you are incapacitated and that you are either in a deep, irreversible coma or that you are terminally ill.

Through a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, you appoint an Agent, also known as an Attorney-In-Fact to make health care decisions for you during any time period that you can’t. In Louisiana, an attorney’s assistance is generally required to affect this document. Most individuals opt for a family member to be their Attorney-In-Fact, and in this state, there are very few restrictions on your choice. It’s very important that whomever you do choose is someone who agrees with your views and philosophies as to health care.