Durable Power of Attorney Kentucky Form – Adobe PDF

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Choose a financial agent to handle any and all monetary decisions on your behalf. The agent may not be compensated and must act in your best interests in every transaction. The form remains valid even if you can no longer think for yourself due to mental illness or health issues.

The attorney in fact may have the power to act in any of the following manners as designated by the principal;

  • Real Estate Transactions
  • Stock and Bond Transactions
  • Commodity and Option Transactions
  • Tangible Personal Property Transactions
  • Banking and Other Financial Institution Transactions
  • Business Operating Transactions
  • Insurance and Annuity Transactions
  • Estate, Trust and Other Beneficiary Transactions
  • Claims and Litigation
  • Personal and Family Maintenance
  • Benefits from Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid or Other Government Programs
  • Retirement Plan Transactions
  • Tax Matters, including any transactions with the Internal Revenue Service
  • Decisions Regarding Lifesaving and Life Prolonging Medical Treatment
  • Decisions Relating to Medical Treatment, Surgical Treatment, Nursing Care, Medication, Hospitalization, Institutionalization in a nursing home or other facility and home health care
  • Transfer of Property or Income as a Gift to the Principal’s Spouse for the purpose of qualifying the principal for governmental medical assistance

The document must be completed and signed in the presence of a notary public or at least two (2) witnesses that are non-blood related and above the age of eighteen (18).