Hawaii Power of Attorney Forms

The power of attorney forms for Hawaii allow for a user to choose someone else to act in their place for any financial or medical related situation or decision to be made. Nobody likes to think about being sick; even less do we like to think about being incapacitated. But it can happen, whether we plan ahead for it or not. In Hawaii, there is a way for you to make your wishes heard in financial and health care matters, even when your voice might be silenced by advanced age, illness or injury.
Through a document known in this state as the Hawaii Financial Power of Attorney, you may appoint a trusted individual to control financial matters for us while we are disabled, whether the disability is temporary or permanent. An Advance Healthcare Directive allows us to specify the circumstances under which we do or do not wish to receive specific medical treatments, and to appoint a trusted individual to steer the course of our health care, and make all the many necessary day-to-day decisions.
All documents are in accordance with Hawaii State Laws Chapter 551D – The Uniform Power of Attorney Act

Durable power of attorney allows for a person handing unlimited financial power to someone else. All decisions made by their selected person must do so to the sole benefit and best interest of the other person. If the person being represented becomes unable to think for themselves, the form becomes null and void. The form allows for the principal to select the agent to do…

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Under a Hawaii General Power of Attorney, the person you appoint to shepherd your financial affairs while you are not incapacitated is noted as your Attorney-In-Fact. He or she does not need to be an attorney, but should be honest, reliable, and should share your views on how to take care of business. Local availability is very important, as there will be many day-to-day tasks…

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This document allows you to choose someone else to carry out a specific financial duty on their behalf. The responsibility or action may be for a single instance or recurring with an end date. The activity can be anything from writing a check to selling a home (most commonly what it is used for) for their benefit.

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In Hawaii, an Advance Healthcare Directive consists of two documents: The Living Will and The Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. Through your living will you can prescribe not only what types of health care procedures you would or would not choose to receive, but also under what circumstances you would or wouldn’t choose to receive them. With the Durable Power of Attorney for…

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Document allows a person that owns a vehicle within the State to choose anyone they wish to handle transferring title, obtaining registration, or any other action to be carried out at the Driver’s License Office (Find Location).

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Allows a resident of Hawaii to allow someone else to handle filing his or her taxes with the State. Usually this form is included by an accountant or attorney when filing on your behalf.

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