Limited Power of Attorney Florida Form – Adobe PDF

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Allows a person to handle a specific financial decision or event or someone else. It can range from representing the person at a real estate closing to as small as withdrawing money from his or her bank account. The agent must strictly follow the guidelines set forth in the document and the Principal may choose the agent to handle any one of the following;

  • Real Property Transactions
  • Tangible Personal Property Transactions
  • Stock and Bond Transactions
  • Commodity and Option Transactions
  • Banking and Other Financial Institution Transactions
  • Business Operating Transactions
  • Insurance and Annuity Transactions
  • Estate, Trust, and other Beneficiary Transactions
  • Claims and Litigation(s)
  • Personal and Family Maintenance
  • Benefits From Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, or any other Governmental Programs or Military Service
  • Retirement Plan Transactions
  • Tax Matters