Medical Power of Attorney Connecticut Form – Advance Directive

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Use this Form To: Take care of another's health care decisions.
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In Connecticut, a form called the Health Care Instructions and Appointment of a Health Care Representative allows you to chart the direction of your health care even when you are disabled and not able to actively direct the course of events. Through this document, you create a Living Will and you choose a Health Care Representative.

Via the Living Will, you can specify under what circumstances you agree or do not agree to undergo different critical procedures, including life support. The Health Care Representative you choose is typically your spouse, a blood relative or a very close friend. He or she is the person, in consultation with your Living Will, who makes all the decisions regarding your health care.

As was the case for your Attorney-In-Fact, your Health Care Representative should be available locally, for the same types of reasons. He or she must be over 18, cannot be your physician or, generally speaking, anyone else professionally involved in your health care, unless the individual is a blood relative.