Medical Power of Attorney Arkansas Form – Adobe PDF

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Use this Form To: Choose a Health Care agent to make decisions for you in the chance you cannot speak for yourself.
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You will want your wishes to be carried out in the choices for health care in the event you become unable to competently voice your own preferences. Under Arkansas law, the way to do so is through a Living Will along with a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care.

It is with the Living Will that you make your wishes known about what types of medical care you don’t want to receive, such as heroic methods at the end of life. You also make known what types of care that you do opt for. Because it is impossible to know what types of choices will have to be made, an individual must be designated to make specific decisions in medical matters. This person is known as the Health Care Agent, and he or she is named in the Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care.