Durable Power of Attorney South Carolina Form – Adobe PDF

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Under South Carolina power of attorney laws, a resident can name a person make any type of financial decision on your behalf, in your best interest, and you receive all the proceeds. While seldom an actual attorney, the person that represents you needs to be someone who you trust to do everything from paying simple bills to managing your investments. An important factor in the choice of your Attorney-In-Fact is local availability in order to better accomplish monetary tasks best fulfilled on a face-to-face basis.

A spouse is a typical choice for this office, but be aware that the agreement doesn’t end if you divorce. It does end on your death, or if the Attorney-In-Fact turns out to be unavailable when needed, so it is wise to name an alternate. You can revoke it at any time that you are mentally competent, and the court will do so if it determines you weren’t so when you signed it.

  • Document must be notarized and signed with two (2) witnesses above the age of eighteen (18)